Glyphs won't open after downloading for the 1st time

Hi, I just purchased Glyphs 2 full version. I downloaded the Glyphs 2 and double clicked it. The green logo appeared. When I clicked on it, nothing happened. Then I double clicked on the license key. It said Thank you for registering, but nothing happened again. Nothing will open. I tried this several times and followed the instructions in the tutorial. I am on the MacOS Sierra desktop. Is there something different I need to do to get Glyphs to work and open? Thank you.

Did you open a new document? Glyphs doesn’t do this automatically.

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Try this:

  1. Click on the Glyphs icon in the Dock.
  2. Make sure in the top left corner of the screen, it says Glyphs next to the Apple logo:
  3. Choose File > New (Cmd-N).
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Thank you for letting me know! It worked! Thanks mekkablue for sharing how to do this. I’m a new Mac user, so I didn’t even know how to do that. :slight_smile: . I appreciate both of your quick help!