Hello, I am using vanilla to write the interface and cannot make the input value call the Python code function filter

Hello, I used vanilla to write the interface, and the code is as follows. The problem I encountered is that when I input the value of ‘x/y shift’ in the interface window, I cannot call the filter function to offset the glyph

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from GlyphsApp.plugins import *
from vanilla import *

class Lvbovanilla(FilterWithDialog):

	def settings(self):
		self.name = 'My Select Tool'

		# Create Vanilla window and group with controls
		width = 150
		height = 80
		self.paletteView = Window((width, height))
		self.paletteView.group = Group((0, 0, width, height))
		self.paletteView.group.text = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), 'x/y shift')
		self.paletteView.group.editText = EditText((10, 35, 50, 25), callback = self.editTextCallback, continuous = False)

		# Set dialog to NSView
		self.dialog = self.paletteView.group.getNSView()

	# On dialog show
	def start(self):

		# Set default setting if not present
		if not Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value']:
			Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value'] = 15.0

		# Set value of text field

	# Action triggered by UI
	def editTextCallback(self, sender):

		# Store value coming in from dialog
		Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value'] = sender.get()

		# Trigger redraw
	def filter(self, Layer, inEditView, customParameters):

		value = Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value']

		for path in Layer.paths:
			for node in path.nodes:
				node.position = NSPoint(node.position.x + value, node.position.y + value)
	def __file__(self):
		"""Please leave this method unchanged"""
		return __file__

Did you copy that code from somewhere?

It seems that in your editTextCallback method you are nowhere asking for the value of the EditText. Instead it tries to get the value from the user defaults value = Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value'].

That is not going to work, as a) that is just an example from the source where you copied the code from and would require you to put an actual key in there (instead of the 'com.myname.myfilter.value').
But b) what you really need instead is just the value of the sender. I think sth like value = sender.get() should get you started there.

Yes, my code is copied GitHub - schriftgestalt/GlyphsSDK: Scripting SDK for Glyphs The Python template for the filter under, modified by oneself.Can you provide the reference code?

I did provide what you should do. As I said change value = Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value'] to value = sender.get()

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from GlyphsApp.plugins import *
from vanilla import *

class Lvbovanilla(FilterWithDialog):

	def settings(self):
		self.name = 'My Select Tool'

		# Create Vanilla window and group with controls
		width = 150
		height = 80
		self.paletteView = Window((width, height))
		self.paletteView.group = Group((0, 0, width, height))
		self.paletteView.group.text = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), 'x/y shift')
		self.paletteView.group.editText = EditText((10, 35, 50, 25), callback = self.editTextCallback, continuous = False)

		# Set dialog to NSView
		self.dialog = self.paletteView.group.getNSView()

	# On dialog show
	def start(self):

		# Set default setting if not present
		if not Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value']:
			Glyphs.defaults['com.myname.myfilter.value'] = 15.0

		# Set value of text field

	# Action triggered by UI
	def editTextCallback(self, sender):

		# Store value coming in from dialog
		value = sender.get()

		# Trigger redraw
	def filter(self, Layer, inEditView, customParameters):

		value = sender.get()

		for path in Layer.paths:
			for node in path.nodes:
				node.position = NSPoint(node.position.x + value, node.position.y + value)
	def __file__(self):
		"""Please leave this method unchanged"""
		return __file__

Forgive me for being a novice. This is the code I changed, but it still doesn’t work

How to obtain an actual key

Can you provide me with a complete code reference

You need to do what you want to do with the value. I don’t know what that is, you asked for how to get the value from the EditText in order to proceed from there.

I am afraid that I have no time to write the entire code for you, sorry.

Thanks very much!

for the beginning I recommend to just put your further code right after where you have the value = sender.get()

At the moment there is only that self.update() method called. Remove that and instead print(value) to see where you are at. And from there just do whatever you want with the value. Maybe also remove all methods from the example code that don’t do anything that your plugin/script needs.

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from GlyphsApp.plugins import *
from vanilla import *

class Lvbovanilla(FilterWithDialog):

	def settings(self):
		self.name = 'My Select Tool'

		# Create Vanilla window and group with controls
		width = 150
		height = 80
		self.paletteView = Window((width, height))
		self.paletteView.group = Group((0, 0, width, height))
		self.paletteView.group.text = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), 'x/y shift')
		self.paletteView.group.editText = EditText((10, 35, 50, 25), text=,callback = self.editTextCallback)

		# Set dialog to NSView
		self.dialog = self.paletteView.group.getNSView()

	# On dialog show

	# Action triggered by UI
	def editTextCallback(self, sender):

		# Store value coming in from dialog
		value = sender.get()
		for layer in Glyphs.font.selectedLayers:
			for path in layer.paths:
				for node in path.nodes:
					node.position = NSPoint(node.position.x + value, node.position.y + value)
		# Trigger redraw
	def __file__(self):
		"""Please leave this method unchanged"""
		return __file__

Value refers to the offset x/y, and I just want to input this offset through the interface. I print the value without displaying i

Is it because the type of value cannot be a numerical value, it can only be a string

class Lvbovanilla(FilterWithDialog):

def settings(self):
	self.name = 'My Select Tool'

	# Create Vanilla window and group with controls
	width = 150
	height = 80
	self.paletteView = Window((width, height))
	self.paletteView.group = Group((0, 0, width, height))
	self.paletteView.group.text = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), 'x/y shift')
	self.paletteView.group.editText = EditText((10, 35, 50, 25), text=10,callback = self.editTextCallback)

	# Set dialog to NSView
	self.dialog = self.paletteView.group.getNSView()

# On dialog show

# Action triggered by UI
def editTextCallback(self, sender):

	# Store value coming in from dialog
	value = int(sender.get())
	for layer in Glyphs.font.selectedLayers[0]:
		for path in layer.paths:
			for node in path.nodes:
				node.position = NSPoint(node.position.x + value, node.position.y + value)
	# Trigger redraw
def __file__(self):
	"""Please leave this method unchanged"""
	return __file__

Can you share a small case that can be run

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from GlyphsApp.plugins import *
from vanilla import *

class Lvbovanilla(FilterWithDialog):
	def settings(self):
		self.name = 'My Select Tool'

		# Create Vanilla window and group with controls
		self.w = Window((120, 42))
		self.w.editText = EditText((10, 10, -10, 22),text='some text',callback=self.editTextCallback)

	def editTextCallback(self, sender):
		print("text entry!", sender.get())
		value = sender.get()

	def filter(self, layer, inEditView):

		# Shift all nodes in x and y direction by the value
		for path in layer.paths:
			for node in path.nodes:
				node.position = NSPoint(node.position.x + value, node.position.y + value)
		# Trigger redraw
	def __file__(self):
		"""Please leave this method unchanged"""
		return __file__

Instead of using a variable to store your value, rather use the Glyphs defaults. Store your values in Glyphs.defaults (read up on the documentation for reading/writing defaults correctly) and then read them directly from the defaults in your filter method.

Thank you for your suggestion. I will give it a try

I have implemented your suggestion and can solve my problem. Thank you very much!

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