How to define the vertical width in Python?

I want to make the glyphs center in vertical height, I modified a python script,
I don’t know how to define vertical width.
How to define the vertical width in Python:sweat:
Or what other quick ways to do it.
I have a large number of glyphs that need to be centered.

import sys
import os
from GlyphsApp import *
import objc

def main():
Doc = Glyphs.currentDocument
Font = Doc.font
SelectedLayers = Doc.selectedLayers()
for Layer in SelectedLayers:
TSB = Layer.TSB
BSB = Layer.BSB
Vertical width = Layer.vertical width
newSB = (TSB + BSB) / 2.0
print TSB, BSB, newSB
Layer.TSB = newSB
Layer.vertical width = Vertical width

if name == ‘main’:

Vertical width = Layer.vertical width

SyntaxError: invalid syntax:slightly_frowning_face:

The vertical width/TSB/BSB are used for vertical layout. If you like to center the glyph for horizontal layout, you just move the outlines. You can use layer.applyTransform((1, 0, 0, 1, X, Y)), The argument is an transformation matrix. The last two numbers are the X and Y offset.

I want to center vertically. The height of each glyph is different, I did not find a quick solution.a001toa001

How to define the vertical center point of the font?

layer = Glyphs.font.selectedLayers[0] # current layer

yCenter = ?:sob:? # How should I write here,I didn’t find the definition value of this
shift = 380 - yCenter

1, # x scale factor
0.0, # x skew factor
0.0, # y skew factor
1, # y scale factor
0.0, # x position
shift # y position

from Foundation import NSMidY
bounds = Layer.bounds
centerY = NSMidY(bounds)

:star_struck:Great, Thank you very very much

I want to process multiple selected glyphs at once.
This can only be processed one at a time.
Can you help me?:sob:

for myGlyph in Glyphs.font.glyphs:
layer = Glyphs.font.selectedLayers[0] # current layer
from Foundation import NSMidY
bounds = Layer.bounds
centerY = NSMidY(bounds)

myAscender = Font.selectedFontMaster.ascender
myDescender = Font.selectedFontMaster.descender
mycenterY = (myAscender + myDescender) / 2.0

shift = mycenterY - centerY

1, # x scale factor
0.0, # x skew factor
0.0, # y skew factor
1, # y scale factor
0.0, # x position
shift # y position

Answered in parallel thread.