Is there a way to ensure that a corner component always remains parallel to the baseline? I think this image explains it all.
this is how I setup the inktrap.

Is there a way to ensure that a corner component always remains parallel to the baseline? I think this image explains it all.
Try the align options. Select the corner component and try the different options in the info panel at the bottom center. There should be left, center, right and no align.
Then you need to fine-tune things by adding “right” and “left” anchors to your corner component. I don’t quite remember in which way exactly, but you can fiddle around a bit.
I haven’t tried it. but you might need to draw a inktrap where the cut is perpendicular to one side already.
When I do this, it makes nice inktraps, but not really what I am looking for. Also the connection on “a” has a bump on the curve.