I have a problem with the program glyphs mini

Hi. In 2017 I bought the glyphs mini license and now it won’t let me use it because I have version 10.10.5 on my computer and it asks for OS X version 10.11. What can I do to have the program? because I bought it to be able to use it and now it won’t even let me open the program.

Please, I need help because I need the program to work.

Any reason you can’t install 10.11?
There is not much I can do.

My computer won’t let me. I only have up to version 10.10.5.

I’ve looked to contact glyphs tech support but can’t see the email. Does anyone know?

Is that when I try to open the glyphs program, it tells me that I need to update the operating system from 10.11 or later.
And my computer is from the beginning of 2015 and it won’t let me update its operating system anymore.

Which Mac model do you have?

My mac is from 2015 and can run the latest MacOS.

Well it doesn’t let me update my computer’s operating system anymore and I don’t understand it.

I have the macbook Air with OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

If it is the 2015 MacBook Air then you should be able to upgrade all the way to 10.15.x.

It’s possible you can’t upgrade due to limited storage. 10.15 may require up to about 19GB to install. The SSD on that model is a removable module and it is quite possible for a user to upgrade to a larger SSD. If your existing storage is simply full you could move files to external storage to make more room.

MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) was released in 2015, so I’d expect a computer made in 2015 would be able to run it (Apple’s not that bad :)).

The problem is that where the operating system is updated, it doesn’t let me. I don’t see if there are more updates. Can I do it any other way? or should it always be for the App store?

Read the article at this link. https://www.lifewire.com/update-macos-on-macbook-air-4579799

If it isn’t helpful, then likely your best course of action is to find an individual or computer store that works on Macs and ask them to troubleshoot the issue for you.

I got it!!! Thanks for help me! Only updated macintosh.

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