I have Python 3 home-brew installed but not listed in the settings


I have Python 3 home-brew installed but not listed in the settings.

Python 3.12.3 (main, Apr 9 2024, 08:09:14) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin

I have followed the tutorial on this page.

Do I miss something?

I have try to uninstall and install python module…

TIA for your help.

my Glyphs Version

Any reason you can’t use the Glyphs python? If it is not working, remove it from the Repositories folder and install it again in the plugin manager.

To install easing_functions for this script.


Honestly no idea how I managed to set up easing_functions for that, but if all else fails, you can simply copy the easing function code from the original library, it’s not complicated at all. A two- or even one-liner, if I recall correctly.

By the way… I also have a strange error in the Drawbot console too.

I will try to restart from a fresh install.

Error 'objc.python_selector' object has no attribute 'replace'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/thierryc/Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Repositories/DrawBotGlyphsPlugin/DrawBot.glyphsPlugin/Contents/Resources/DrawBotWindow.py", line 170, in runCode
    ScriptRunner(code, path, namespace=namespace, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr)
  File "/Users/thierryc/Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Repositories/DrawBotGlyphsPlugin/DrawBot.glyphsPlugin/Contents/Resources/drawBot/scriptTools.py", line 155, in ScriptRunner
    source = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
AttributeError: 'objc.python_selector' object has no attribute 'replace'

-- Error/

My Mac Is a MAC M1 Version 14.4.1 (23E224)

When I execute a macro before launching DrawBot, the output appears in the correct windows. But, the macro output displays within the DrawBot interface after DrawBot has been initiated.

I fixed drawbot. Since version 3.2, restarting the app should give you the latest version. You might need to restart twice.

to install a module into the Glyphs python as explained here: GitHub - justinpenner/TalkingLeaves: A GlyphsApp plugin to help you explore the world’s languages and writing systems

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Thank you for your reactivity! :pray:

Thank you Georg,

Thanks for the link! I tried the different installation options and ended up going with the official Python.org download for version 3.12.

The downside is that I needed to do some additional installations using pip3 in the console.

pip3 install --upgrade pyobjc cocoa-vanilla afdko fontbakery brotli

Correct me if miss one.

But hey, good news! Everything’s working smoothly now, and I can use pip3 to install any custom packages I need. (like hyperglot or easing_functions for the plugin)

Just thought I’d share my experience in case it helps anyone else out there struggling with Python installation.