Importing old UFOS - Cant add axis values

Hi. I’m importing old UFOS generated on FL5 to rework LibreBaskerville on Glyphs.

For some reason I can’t add the axis values, see this image:

How can I fix it? Thanks guys!
Files at Libre-Baskerville/source/Initial Glyphs Import from legacy Ufos at master · impallari/Libre-Baskerville · GitHub

Add an axis in the font settings.

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How did you get the UFOs from FL5? I’d recommend converting the VFBs directly with vfbLib/vfb3ufo for preserving most data. It won’t solve the axis issue though, as your VFBs are single master, so Georg’s advice still applies.

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Thanks Georg & Jens!

Jens: the ufos are 9 years old, generated by UFO Central Version 2.1b, and kerning was converted font FL style to Metrics Machine style using KERN Exchange FL/MM
I also have the VFBs, I will try your suggestion. Thabnks!

If you happen to have a running FLS, you can use this script to directly convert to .glyphs files. Glyphs-Scripts/Glyphs at master · schriftgestalt/Glyphs-Scripts · GitHub

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