Incompatibility masters not showing

I am working on an oblique version of a typeface. To finetune the starting point for the masters, I exported the Roman weights as .ufo. After finding the right weight and slant in UFOstrech I exported new .ufo.

Now I have opened these .ufo files in G2. After adding the Bold weight to the Light, outline incompatibility is not showing.

I rounded the coordinates, filled in the font info etc. Everything except the outline incompatibility seems to work.

Any idea ?

I now used FL as an intermediate, using the ‘import from glyphs’ and ‘export to glyphs’ scripts.

After opening the new glyphs files in G2 and adding them together it works.

Is the way .ufo is described by G2 so much different from for example UFOstretch ? I would prefer not to have to run to FL every time.

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Now the anchors do not work properly…

The incompatibility only shows up if you have instances that need interpolations. Add a “Regular” instance.

And it is not a good idea to use FLS and .ufo. It will most likly disturb your kerning.

Can you explain?
Oh ? That is good to know and I will definitely try that ! That would save me a lot of work. Do you think this would be enough and I wouldn't have to go through FL again ? Because Prepolator works very good together with G2 etc.

I could have used RMX tools, but I prefer using UFOstretch.

I know. I hadn't implemented kerning yet. The component glyphs were already in the new fonts. I tried to see if everything was on the right position, so I refreshed some. Then all of a sudden all components moved to the left. All needed anchors are in the base glyphs and in the accents.

In the Font Info I then checked off the ‘Disable Automatic Alignment’ and the components went in their rightful place. Somehow it was checked on…

If you import a font from FLS, this option will be set by default to keep the positioning of the components.

Thanks, Georg. This is good to know.

I am aware that it is a powerful and important mechanism, but is Automatic Alignment the only way to get anchors to work ?

Theoretically one could opt for only the building of accented glyphs, without the “right” sidebearings.

Can you give an example?

For changing width/RSB, you can use the double underscore trick. If you use “__acute” instead of “acute”, it will add the __acute’s width to the compound glyph.

# 1 In another project I am working on, glyphs are very near to each other or even (partly) overlapping with negative side bearings. In some cases I would like to be able to be sure that the accents are in the right place, "anchored" even if the spacing is different than in the base glyph.

#2 There are several ways of spacing a typeface. The most common way is to give equal forms equal sidebearings. But you can also space a typeface by looking at the color, width and rythm combined. I myself like doing this, because it gives a more equal color overall. To give you an example, the left side of the /o would then be different as the left side of the /d or /c. If you follow this line of working, sometimes an accented letter might need different spacing.

This is a job for a script.

As a font user, I would consider this unexpected behavior of a font. I do not see why e.g. nån and nan should space differently. Ta and Tä is what kerning is made for. Also consider that mark to base positioning is incompatible with this line of thinking.

Well it doesn’t happen very often indeed. And in that case a script or a exception might do the trick.

I will come up with something asap.

Thank you up front ! But you don’t have to put it on your urgent list. :slight_smile:

Too late:

It is called ‘Align Accents Only’. Please give it a good and thorough test run.

Wow !

There was still a bug. Just updated, please redownload.