Is there a way to "compare Kerning of the selected Glyphs between master"

Hi all,

is there a way to “compare Kerning of the selected Glyphs between master” script or plug-in doing this, that I probably missed, laying around somewhere?

I found in “Merge Glyphs” and Mekkablue script >> Kerning >> “New Tab with Kerning Missing in Masters” are doing kerning comparison but they’re comparing all the glyphs in the font. But I only need to compare just some of them not all (checking multiscript)

Or if you have any leads, I will be much appreciated
Many thanks!

You can try the “Kern-A-Lytics” plugin.

The Space Bar plugin might also be helpful here.

Thank you for your reply. I did try that one but it is also all Glyphs.

This is new to me, it works only for some problem I want to solve — but still not quite what I’m looking for. Many thanks anyway! I learn something new :slight_smile:

What exactly are you looking for?