Is there an easy way to find letters with mismatched contours?

After many versions of the font, there are quite a few glyphs I stumble upon day by day that include such errors. Is there a tool or extension that can search for them so that I can fix them?

What is a mismatched contour?


I actually meant this.

Normal view or when pressing space.

Edit mode.

After holding space with a square component pasted on top.

After reversing contours.

After holding space with a square component pasted on top.

Pasting a square with correct contours on top other glyphs appears to be the quickest way I know to test if a glyph’s components has correct contours that match up.

If you look at the path direction (the arrow on the first node) you should notice that in your first screenshot, the outside contour is going clockwise. This should not be the case – make outside contours counter-clockwise and cut-out contours (masks, whatever the term is) clockwise.

You can also simply use the Correct Path Direction (Opt: for all Masters) command to fix this automatically.


The Path Problem Finder has an option ‘Bad Path Directions’. It lists glyphs where the ‘Correct Path Direction’ function would change a contour’s orientation. May contain false positives.

Sorry, I’m trying to figure out if there is a rule that outer contours should always go counterclockwise and inner contours clockwise?

Yes, outer curves need to CCW and inner curves CW.

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Thanks Georg.

Oh! And what about lines without internal curves? Those always counterclockwise?

These are also considered outer curves.

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