Kerning did not export with otf file

I have been using Glyphs to work on a typeface of mine for the past month and I have done a lot of hard work on kerning and today I exported and tried it out in Adobe Illustrator and all those kerning weren’t there.

I’ve read around many topics in this forum about adding features and stuff. I’ve tried all of them but still no hope. Could someone help me please?

Are you using the Adobe Fonts folder?

@mekkablue nope, but should I?

I only export into a Dropbox folder so I could work on different computers.


omg, just tried Adobe Fonts folder and it worked. THANK YOU SO MUCH! :slight_smile:

That was probably a font cache problem. Read this please:

I’m experiencing a similar kerning Issue with a Hebrew font; (Glyphs 2.01 V.763)
While running both Adobe Indesign & Illustrator; Kerning works fine with the 1st and does NOT with the 2nd respectively.

Illustrator uses a different layout engine and has limited support for OpenType and complex scripts. Do you have a font that works properly in Illustrator? Can you send me the .glyphs file and the working font?

You’re right Georg, I could not find a Hebrew font that respects kerning in Adobe Illustrator;
But I can tell you that Indesign keeps both kerning classes in bilingual fonts; compared to Illustrator which operates kerning on Latin Glyphs only of the same fonts.