Layer/colour fonts and illustrator

Is there an issue with layered/colour fonts and how they’re interpreted by Illustrator and photoshop’s text-handling software?

I ask because I’ve had problems with how separate layers of a font align when they’re stacked in both programmes, but not in InDesign:

[imgs=]I’m a bit confused[/imgs]

I’m a bit perplexed about this. So far I’ve tried
— manually setting vertical metrics on an instance-by-instance basis (ensuring they were the same each time)
— generating from exported instances
— exporting the font files as UFOs and otfs and then generating them through Robofont and FontLab
— and various combinations of the above.

With no real success. Each of the four masters has, as far as I can tell from the Font Info panel in Glyphs, the same settings, but the result in illustrator is different for one of them. Does anyone have an idea as to what might be causing this? It’s had me stumped for about three days now.

Cheers, ta

Illustrator (and possibly also Photoshop) by default uses the lowercase d to determine the position of the (first) base line. You can change that, though.

1. Select an area type object.
2. Choose Type > Area Type Options.
3. For First Baseline, choose one of the following options:


The height of the “d” character falls below the top of the type object.

Cap Height

The tops of uppercase letters touch the top of the type object.


Uses the text’s leading value as the distance between the baseline of the first line of text and the top of the type object.

x Height

The height of the “x” character falls below the top of the type object.

Em Box Height

The top of the em box in Asian fonts touches the top of the type object. This option is available regardless of the Show Asian Options preference.


Specifies the distance between the baseline of the first line of text and the top of the type object in the Min box.


Uses the first baseline default used in Adobe Illustrator 10 or earlier.



You’re a wizard. Next time I bump into you I’ll buy you a drink.
