Letters style choosing?


Sam working with new Arabic font
and I have a question

for example
I make 2 styles from (jeem-ar)

1- jeem-ar
2- jeem-ar.ss01

is there a way to make one of them work with exact letters and the other one work with the other letters ?

for example

I want ( jeem-ar ) work ( reh-ar.fina )

if ( reh-ar.fina ) come in a ligature like ( beh_reh-ar.fina ) I want it to use ( jeem-ar.ss01 )

how can I make this ?

thanks in advance

@GeorgSeifert @mekkablue @HadiTypeStudio @khaled

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Hi Mohammed,
Best of luck with your new font, yes you can do this with “calt” feature, for example if you need to replace hah-ar after reh-ar
Use this code in calt feature

sub reh-ar hah-ar' by hah-ar.alt;

This is the main formula but you can change it whatever you need.

In your case
Use this code

sub beh_reh-ar.fina jeem-ar' by jeem-ar.ss01;