Macro window doesn't resize

Hi folks!

Any idea why my macro window will not resize and how I can fix it?



  1. Quit Glyphs
  2. Delete this file:
  3. Restart Glyphs

Hi Eric,

I’ve done that and it’s still not resizing?


Did the window size change at least? Window size and position are stored in that file. If it still looks the same, then something went wrong, perhaps restart your machine, delete that file again, perhaps als on the ByHost subfolder.

And what about the green button in the top left corner? Unresponsive?

Resizing now. I think it was the subfolder that stopped the fix working on first try. I’d done everything else already. Thanks, Eric!

It has to do with some internal things. Sometimes it behaves again if the content of the window changes. But I think I fixed it.