Masters Problem

Dear Georg,

I’ve just updated the Glyph software to the latest version 1.1.3 and now I cannot add new masters
from separate files. When you click on the ‘Add’ button nothing happens. Have you changed the operation of this feature or is this a genuine problem?

Best Regards


I did not change anything there. And it works fine for me.

Can you have a look at the and see if there is something. Put “glyphs” in the search field.

Dear Georg,

Are you referring to the console built into the Mac operating system or is this something that resides within the Glyph application, please could you explain.

Best Regards


Dear Georg,

The following line is what appears in the console:

Glyphs[167]: *** -[NSURL lastPathComponent]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x16225e80

Best Regards


You are on MacOSX 10.5?

Yes. Mac OSX 10.5.8

will fix this then.

OK Georg,



Hello, we are experiencing this same problem on Mac OS 10.6.8. Any way to solve this issue?


My apologies, I updated to the latest version and it is fixed!