New computer and Glyphs Mini number

New computer wants the registration number, I have it on paper do not have “license file” for the drag and drop screen? Please advise, Glenn

Found my FastSpring receipt from 2021 when I click on get download license I get a screen that basically says can’t do it.

The FastSpring link to download your license file expires 14 days after your purchase. You can use Finder to search your old computer for the license file:


If that doesn’t work, someone on the Glyphs team should be able to retrieve it for you.

Hard drive failed and all was lost. (only partially backed up) I cannot get to the license file.
I have the registration number and can show a screen shot of FastSpring receipt.

Sorry that happened to you! Losing a hard drive always sucks…

If you contact the Glyphs office email, they can send you a new license file.

And a pro tip: once you get the license file, find that FastSpring email again and forward it to yourself with the license file attached. My license files always go missing when I need them.

Thanks much for your fast reply, any particular info I should provide in the email? name, email that I used to purchase, reg number? etc

Anything that helps identify your original purchase. If you used a different email for purchasing, for instance, specify that.

Please send and email to “office” at this domain.

Got it ! thanks for your help Glyphs Mini is up and running