New Plugin: Extrude Tool

Here’s what I’ve been working on:

Extrude Tool

It’s for those times when you find yourself making four nodes along a path and dragging them around just so you extend it (making serif _corner components from a line), quickly generating extra nodes to work with (making your t tails from a rectangle primitive), or when you want to make an extrusion that maintains the curvature of the origin path (see the ear of the g above).

There are still some functional problems with it. Please let me know if you find anything wonky by checking the current issues on GitHub and reporting a new issue. Feature requests are welcome. You can post in this thread as well :slight_smile:

You can find it in Window > Plugin Manager if you want to try it out. More info on the github page.


Great work, thank you! Just the default shortcut collides with SpeedPunk’s, I am afraid.

Whoops. Thanks for the heads up!

I assume there’s no collision with the w key?

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U = SuperTool
X = SpeedPunk

Try W if there is another tool triggered by it. I don’t think so, but I cannot tested myself right now. (I am not on my Mac right now.)

Great plugin! I can see my toolbar fill up really quick!

Wow! This is a really great one! Thanks a lot.