New Plugin: Guten Tag

I added keyboard shortcuts for selecting the tags field in the palette and for performing batch editing on all selected glyphs. Configure these shortcuts in GlyphsPreferences.… → ShortcutsCommands.

Edit Tags selects the tags field in the palette. Press Escape or Return to unselect the field. Add Tags, Remove Tags, and Rename Tags perform batch editing operations on all selected glyphs.

Click Record shortcut next to a command name and press a combination of modifier keys – Command (⌘), Control (⌃), Shift (⇧), and Option (⌥) – and a normal (non-modifier) key. Press this keyboard shortcut again when working in Edit View to perform the operation.



Hi Florian,

I have recommended this amazing plug-in to many Chinese type designers here. Recent requests from them is "group tags and retag with group tags ". I understand it will make things more complex, but that would really be helpful. Will consider that in the future?


(Has it really already been a year since the last update!?)

Guten Tag is just an interface for the tags system in Glyphs and Glyphs does not have a concept of tag groups. However, such groups could be simulated by using a naming convention for tags like “status/done” and “status/review” (or “status:done”, “status=done”, …).

What would be your use case? How would you use tag groups?

Hi Florian, sorry for the late reply.

We use tags differently because of the plug-in we developed called GuidesPalette. Hanzi is composed of different shapes of components on which we make tags and when they are assembled it is better to have groups of tags (guide lines) for each component which would be easier to manage.