New Plugin: Keyboard Selection Travel

I like working with the keyboard. That’s why I made Keyboard Selection Travel.

Hold down the Control key to navigate with the arrow keys to other nodes and anchors.

Keyboard Selection Travel is still in beta, but you can download the current version already and give it a try. The source code is on GitHub.

(Requires macOS “Sierra” 10.12 or later, only tested in Glyphs 3 thus far.)

Let me know if you have any comments. Should components be selectable? Annotations? Does the plugin not work as expected?


The plugin is now available from the Plugin Manager:

Install Keyboard Selection Travel in Glyphs


(edit) Wait, the keystroke doesn’t go anywhere?

Meaning you installed the plugin, relaunched Glyphs, and moving with the arrow keys while the Control key is held down does not work?

Exactly. It doesn’t move the node either so it must be doing something, right?
(edit: I noticed control + arrows activates Mission Control stuff. I was trying only left/right when there was no other work space, so I didn’t notice. The plugin started working after turning that off)

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:raised_hands:‌ I’ll include that in a troubleshooting section in the read-me. Thank you for testing!

I have added a preference so that you can use Control-Shift-Up/Down/Left/Right in case you want to keep the spaces and Mission Control shortcuts.

Set Preference using mekkablue’s scripts

Select ScriptmekkablueAppSet Hidden App Preferences. Enter com.FlorianPircher.Keyboard-Selection-Travel.UseAlternativeShortcuts, set the value to YES (or NO to deactivate), and confirm with Apply.

Set Preference from Glyphs’ Macro Panel

Run the following line to set the preference to True (or False to deactivate).

Glyphs.boolDefaults["com.FlorianPircher.Keyboard-Selection-Travel.UseAlternativeShortcuts"] = True
Set Preference from the Command Line

Run the following line to set the preference to YES (or NO to deactivate).

defaults write com.GeorgSeifert.Glyphs3 com.FlorianPircher.Keyboard-Selection-Travel.UseAlternativeShortcuts YES
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Plugin update: version 1.1

I reworked Keyboard Selection Travel a bit. It now no longer triggers in contexts where it should not (e.g., while the Text tool is active). The big change is the addition of travel hints. When you hold down the Control key, all possible travel destinations are marked with the arrow key symbol:

Don’t like any of the destinations? Keep holding down Control and tap the Command key to search for alternative destinations:

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There are also more preferences now:

  • hide travel hints if you don’t like them
  • change the color of the travel hints
  • change the size of the travel hints (small, regular, large)
  • ignore anchors (only travel between on-curve and off-curve points)
  • ignore tools (specify for which tools to disable the plugin, Text and Hand tool by default)

See the GitHub project page for details on setting preferences.