New Tool: Alfred for Glyphs Python Documentation

Hello python scripters and those who want to become some :wave:

We just published our Alfred workflow for the Glyphs Python documentation.

When you write Python scripts for Glyphs, this is an incredible time saver:
Not sure how to remove overlaps via code? Or what Info a font master has in store? → just search “overlap” or “master” and Alfred will tell you immediately.

:speaking_head: How does it work?
:person_tipping_hand: Just trigger it with the keyword “gd” (for Glyphs Documentaton) and it will fetch all objects available. You can search an pick your desired object and a hit in the enter key brings you right to where it lives on the documentation website.

All you need is Alfred with the Powerpack and an internet connection. You can install the workflow from the releases page here


Another video in action here