node.prevOncurveNode() is missing?

Hi! I just noticed that in Glyphs 3 node.nextOnCurve() changed to node.prevOncurveNode() but prevOncurveNode() is now missing. Am I using some deprecate way to get prev/next oncurves and is there a better one?

Wow, I didn’t know this method existed! Thanks for pointing it out (and I hope it’s not deprecated)

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In Glyphs 3, it’s called nextOncurveNode(). It is not deprecated.

A future Glyphs version will include previousOncurveNode(). Note that these methods tend to be slow, so avoid using them in loops or other use cases where they might get called frequently. Instead, first get the index of a node on its path and then access other nodes by changing the index.

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