Numbers kerning breaks all kerning (in Office)

Another (rather more annoying) option to achieve kerning with only one lookup:

  1. Export your font with normal kerning to some random location
  2. Go into the Temp folder of Glyphs (Script > Open Scripts Folder > Navigate to Temp) and find the features.fea file for each exported font.
  3. In the fea text file, delete everything except the kern feature. Also delete the splits into multiple lookups, you can simple remove the three or so lines it takes to close and open a new lookup. Your new fea file should now start with lookupflags IgnoreMarks; and end with the last pos line of your kern feature. Save this file.
  4. Two options: 4.1. for every exporting instance in your font, add an Add Feature custom parameter. Set it to kern and paste the text from your corresponding fea file into the text field. Glyphs 3.2 is required for this.
    Or option 4.2: create a duplicate of your file. Delete all kerning. Add a kern feature to Font Info > Features. Paste the fea code for one instance into the feature. Only activate the corresponding exporting instance and export it. Then repeat for the next instance, you need to export one at a time.

Reference: Replace/Add Feature for kerning - #2 by GeorgSeifert
Hope this helps.

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