Pdf generation of outline/filled


I want to write a python script in Gyphs v3.
below is the requirement

  1. I will have stored all the glyphname for review in python list.
  2. script needs to read these glyphname one at a time.
  3. Generate a PDF, each page for outline of one glyphname, in four blocks as shown in the picture. Each block from same glyphname in different weights per master.
  4. Generate a second PDF, each page for filled letter of one glyphname, in four blocks as shown in the picture. Each block from same glyphname in different weights per master.

Please point me to some scripts, which are close this. So, I can modify and generate a script that meets my need.

Are you aware of drawbot.com?

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thanks, this is good.

I also find autopsy plugin, it has some error.

I fixed Autopsy. Please re-download it from GitHub.

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Its installed.
How to use it. It doesn’t show in installed plugin nor in any menu

It should be in the Edit menu. You can try to find it from the search in the Help menu.

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It doesn’t list all the masters in list. I generates report only for one master.
how to force it generate report for all masters

How to get all the masters or instances listed in this plugin. Am I doing something wrong