Placement comb accents

I have noticed that in the new version of glyphs the comb accents are placed on the right side. Should it not be on the other side (as older versions of glyphs did it)?

For Latin, it does not matter, because of the way mkmk and mark work. There used to be a common suggestion floating around that it ought to be ‘zero width right offset’ (ZWRO), which would give you at least approximate horizontal placement in case GPOS would not work. On the other hand, that caused the algorithm to become very complex. Think recalculating the position with transformed components, but without affecting any composite.

Therefore, Glyphs 3 simply sets the width to 0. If you want it zeroed on anything else, you can place an *origin anchor. There is a mekkablue script called Add ZWRO origin anchors. But to my knowledge, it does not matter for Latin typography. (There is an edge case in Thai typography.)

ok, thanks.