PNG / SVG Export

OK, here is a snippet you can paste in Window > Macro Panel. Select the glyphs and run the code from the macro window. It will prompt you for a folder and then store the SVGs with glyph names and an .svg suffix:

from AppKit import NSSize
GlyphAsImage = NSClassFromString("GlyphAsImage")
folder = GetFolder(allowsMultipleSelection=False)
if folder:
	folderURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(folder)
	for layer in Font.selectedLayers:
		preset = {
			"active": True,
			"name": "SVG",
			"size": layer.ascender,
			"factor": 1,
			"format": "SVG"
		layerSize = NSSize(layer.width, layer.ascender)
		svgData = GlyphAsImage.svgDataWithLayer_origSize_settings_(layer, layerSize, preset)
		svgFileName = + ".svg"
		svgURL = folderURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent_(svgFileName)
		svgData.writeToURL_atomically_(svgURL, False)

(edit by @GeorgSeifert: I simplified the code a bit)


Hey, thanks!!

I am trying to figure out how to get SVG from GSinstance instead of selectedLayers.
I guess trying to use the filter will not work. Right?

Which direction should I look for?

Interpolate the layers and pass them through this one by one. Best to use an export plug-in.

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To get an interpolated layer:

instance = Font.instances[1]
interpolatedFont = instance.interpolatedFontProxy
interpolatedGlyph = interpolatedFont.glyphs["A"]
interpolatedLayer = interpolatedGlyph.layers[0]
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Hi Mekka,
Can I get a script that export the selected glyphs as png images?

  1. I need to be able to select the image size (for example 512x512, or 716x716, or whatever)
  2. I need to be able to draw a rectangle to represent the bbox
  3. Ideally, a small line to represent also the baseline and the xheight (just a tiny little short line, for example from 0,0 to 0,10 on the baseline)

It all need to be centered inside the png image, having a little 10px margin arround it.
If you need more detail, get in touch with me via Skype.


Why don’t you use DrawBot for this? You can use DrawBot straight from within Glyphs.

You can do that natively from Glyphs. Take a look at the PS and EPS export plugins.

What i use for the drawbot plugin to save as SVG

from import CurrentFont, RGlyph
import GlyphsApp

height = 700
margin = 200
minMargin = 0

font = CurrentFont()
layers = GlyphsApp.Glyphs.font.selectedLayers

Scale = float(height) / float(

for l in layers:
    g = RGlyph(layer=l)

    minX, minY, maxX, maxY =
    extraSpace = 0
    offset = 0
    offsetY = 0
    offsetX = 0

    extraSpace *= Scale
    offset *= Scale
    width = margin + (g.width * Scale) + margin + extraSpace
    newPage(width, height + (2 * margin))

    # Draw transparent square
    fill(0, 0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color with alpha (0 for transparency)
    rect(0, 0, width, height + (2 * margin))

    fill(0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color to black
    translate(margin + offsetY, margin + offsetX)

    saveImage("export/" + + ".svg")

I tried this macro panel script on glyphs/shapes that are using Native Color gradients, but most colors came out as flat colors, some with slight gradient (not same as design). Is it possible to retain the gradient data for the exported SVGs? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Update: I used picosvg to do the job instead

Thank you very much! However, this macro write the ‘A’ file over the ‘a’ file on a case-insensitive Mac OS.
Introducing my small fix

Lowercase are prefixed now. Not perfect but…
Additionally, you have the option to save them in a different folder or modify the prefix as needed.

from AppKit import NSSize
GlyphAsImage = NSClassFromString("GlyphAsImage")
folder = GetFolder(allowsMultipleSelection=False)
if folder:
	folderURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(folder)
	for layer in Font.selectedLayers:
		preset = {
			"active": True,
			"name": "SVG",
			"size": layer.ascender,
			"factor": 1,
			"format": "SVG"
		layerSize = NSSize(layer.width, layer.ascender)
		svgData = GlyphAsImage.svgDataWithLayer_origSize_settings_(layer, layerSize, preset)
		svgFileName = + ".svg"
			svgFileName = '_' + svgFileName
			print("Lowercase name detected.")
		svgURL = folderURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent_(svgFileName)
		svgData.writeToURL_atomically_(svgURL, False)

Same fix to fix the a on A file on a case-insensitive Mac OS.
A small fix

Thank you very much for these scripts / macro.

from import CurrentFont, RGlyph
import GlyphsApp

height = 700
margin = 200
minMargin = 0

font = CurrentFont()
layers = GlyphsApp.Glyphs.font.selectedLayers

Scale = float(height) / float(

for l in layers:
    g = RGlyph(layer=l)

    minX, minY, maxX, maxY =
    extraSpace = 0
    offset = 0
    offsetY = 0
    offsetX = 0

    extraSpace *= Scale
    offset *= Scale
    width = margin + (g.width * Scale) + margin + extraSpace
    newPage(width, height + (2 * margin))

    # Draw transparent square
    fill(0, 0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color with alpha (0 for transparency)
    rect(0, 0, width, height + (2 * margin))

    fill(0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color to black
    translate(margin + offsetY, margin + offsetX)

    name =
        name = '_' +

    saveImage("export/" + name + ".svg")

There is a method to convert glyphs names to file names:

fileName = GSGlyphsInfo.glyphNameToFileName_(glyphName)

It is used to write .ufos and .glyphspackages

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Here is a version that does write PNG and SVG and doesn’t use robo code (that is not developed any more and will be removed on some point).

import os
from GlyphsApp import Glyphs, GSGlyphsInfo
from drawBot import newPage, fill, rect, translate, scale, drawPath, saveImage
height = 700
margin = 200
minMargin = 0

font = Glyphs.font
layers = font.selectedLayers
filePath = os.path.dirname(font.filepath)
Scale = float(height) / float(font.upm)

for l in layers:
    #g = l.parent

    bounds = l.bounds
    extraSpace = 0
    offset = 0
    offsetY = 0
    offsetX = 0

    extraSpace *= Scale
    offset *= Scale
    width = margin + (l.width * Scale) + margin + extraSpace
    newPage(width, height + (2 * margin))

    # Draw transparent square
    #fill(0, 0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color with alpha (0 for transparency)
    #rect(0, 0, width, height + (2 * margin))

    fill(0, 0, 0)  # Set fill color to black
    translate(margin + offsetY, margin + offsetX)


    name = GSGlyphsInfo.glyphNameToFileName_(

    saveImage(os.path.join(filePath, name + ".svg"))
    saveImage(os.path.join(filePath, name + ".png"))

Great feature/method!
It works perfectly for me.