Positioning with number values not working as should

You need to understand what the four numbers in the value record do. The first two move the origin point horizontally and vertically. The second move the advance width and height.

Moving the origin point, it influences the position of the next glyphs, too.

Try not applying the case feature ot the first character in the line in the world ready line :wink:

But I get it really, in the tutorial here Positioning with number values | Glyphs the parenthesis is lifted up by the second value and the fourth value is zero, so that the next glyphs starts in the same place which is exactly what I am doing.

The problem that I am experiencing only appears in certain conditions, only when I export the variable font. ex. when the next glyph after the positioning is from a different font or the same font but a different weight in the variable.

I just got the same issue with a static font. It appears when the next glyph is of a different font.

Sorry for dragging this problem for so long but I just feel that Iā€™ve been following the instructions carefully and donā€™t know if it is a me problem, a glyphs problem or an Adobe problemā€¦ for now it seems that Adobe has some problems with the world-ready composer because I can see that some people have other problems with the composer and variable fonts. Although now it is also in staticā€¦ I donā€™t know.