Problem compiling GSUB table

Not sure what this means (how to find lookup 334?) and how to avoid this as I can’t export:

It seems to occur when I add another glyph to my class @myanmarMedialRa:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 13.32.14

The problem is, I need to add all those glyphs in the bottom panel. The OT code compiles fine when this class has 65 or fewer glyphs in it. I have “Use extension kerning” already active.

Too many substitutions. Do you have them mapped out in lookups? Then add the ‘useExtension’ flag:

lookup xxx useExtension {
} xxx;

Thanks! Yes, all the rules are in lookups, but this particular class is used only as a context in some rules, it’s not itself part of any substitutions. How could I know which lookup needs the useExtension flag?

The lookup that is mentioned in the error is often not causing this overflow but is just the last drop in the bucket. So there is a bit of trial and error involved.

Thanks, I’ve finally managed to get it working. Perhaps Glyphs could automatically add that flag to lookups with lots of rules, if it won’t compile? Or is there a drawback?


For manually written features, add the useExtension keyword. Otherwise add a “Use Extension Kerning” parameter to the font. That will add that keyword to all automatically written GPOS features (kern and mark …).