Problem installing a custom plugin

Can you open the Macro window and check if there is an error message?

When the plugin is correctly set up and has no errors in the python code, it should show up in the Filter menu.

I found it in this directory:
屏幕快照 2023-05-09 17.24.36

No, don’t run the filter code in the macro window. When you install the plugin and open Glyphs, does anything show up in the macro window console?

Where does the macro window console refer to? Is it the macro panel under the window menu?

Can you take a screenshot and see which place it is

There is no plugin named JingMakeCorner under this window

It seems like a filter plugin (file name ended in *.glyphsFilter).

Try to find it under Filter Menu (滤镜).

There is no plugin named JingMakeCorner under the filter

I have resolved it, thank you. The reason is that my Glyphs.localize has not been renamed

I have resolved it, thank you. The reason is that my Glyphs.localize has not been renamed

I have resolved it, thank you. The reason is that my Glyphs.localize has not been renamed,thanks