Problem with exporting UFOs


when I try to export a master as UFO, Glyphs exports a Light master and then crashes. If I select a Bold master it also export a Light and crashes.

The same on all my files and also on a new one.

There are some UFO-related fixes in the upcoming version.
What is your version of app, OS?

Ok thanks. I hope it will solve these problems.

OSX 10.9.4
Glyphs 1.4.4 (592)

I just uploaded an update that should fix the ufo problems.

It exports masters but still crashes after exporting.

Did you send a crash report?

yes. always.

Did you send the report that comes up when the app crashes or when you restart it? The first is useless as it is send to apple and they never send it to me. And can you add your name and a small description?