Problem with font export

hello everyone,
when i export my font it doesn’t work with word.

I created a new typeface made of pictograms, I called it COHDA and installed it as .otf
and it works well on all my programs (on mac) : textedit, open office, indesign
but it doesn’t work on word (macintosh)… -_- It doesn’t even appear in the list of fonts
very strange thing, it does work on word (windows)… well, it works on one computer, and on another one, only the letter a to p works.
Edit : I also tried with .ttf (same problem)

where does the problem comes from ?
btw, I’ve got glyphs, and not mini-glyphs.

So, please,
Help ! :frowning:

Thank you,


This is not easy to tell. There are a lot different things that can go wrong.

First, clean you font caches and restart.

What does it mean that only the letter a and p work. What do the other letters show?

I would need to see the font files for more troubleshooting.