PS-outlines > Woff

Sorry if this is a bit Off Topic, but I’m thinking there are so much knowledge in here so I make a try.

I need to do a Woff file from a font with PS-outlines. I can make the Woff with Google SFNTLY only if I rename the font.otf to font.ttf which means I sort of ‘trick’ the Woff wrapper.

Could there be some issues with that? Or is that the way to do it?

It’s been a while, but IIRC, you can turn OT/CFF fonts into PS WOFFs with sfnt2woff. Take a look at the webfontmaker shell script, it is employed there:

The suffix for OpenType fonts is not really standardized. The convention is to use .otf for fonts with cubic bezier outlines and .ttf for quadratic outlines. So you can exchange them.

Thanks guys! Appreciate it.