R2L in Variable Font Preview 3

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to use Variable Font Preview 3 for an Arabic variable font I’m working on, but I can’t get the plugin to use the right to left writing direction …
Can I change the writing direction for the plugin separately, or should it use the usual settings?
Also: There are 2 versions of the plugin displayed in the plugin-manager.

I’m using Glyphs version 3.3 (3324)


The plugin showing up twice is an odd issue that I also used to get, I think just restarting Glyphs might solve your issue.

I tried that, but it didn’t change anything. I even uninstalled and re-installed it. Still here twice. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Do you have any entries in the Alternate Plugin Repositories?

Yes, I do!

I don’t remember when and why exactly I added this tbh …

Remove the line (empty text field). That fixes the duplicates.

Hi @diacritter

Sorry for the trouble.

  1. Florian’s solution for fixing the duplicates should work.
  2. The RTL issue is known and backlogged. It will be fixed in the next update. Sorry about that!

Hi Mark,

Any updates on the RTL writing direction preview?
I have the latest version…

Thank you

Hi @OmaimaDajani, thanks for asking. It is coming soon, when I am back to the office. Sorry for waiting!

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