Regarding the super slow scrolling in Edit View

Quick question: Is there a way to speed up Glyphs when there’s a lot of text in text mode in Edit View? I know you’re not supposed to do that. But … why?
Sometimes it doesn’t want to scroll at all when using the mouse or track pad, but the scroll bar — once it appears — scrolls perfectly fluid. Is there a way to get the mouse-fingering-scroll as fast as the scroll-bar-scroll?
I have tons of memory power at my disposal, is there a way to use any of it for this particular problem?

Thanks for any hep in advance!

How much text do you have? And why?
Can’t you put it in segments into the sample texts? That way you can switch them very quickly.

Glyphs doesn’t use the same optimizations than the system uses to draw text. That’s why there are some limitations on the text length.