Remove Overlap bug

after upgrading Glyphs to 1.3.8 I’ve noticed that sometimes Remove Overlap doesn’t work as it should.

For example when I draw a X with to slanted rectangles. When I use a filter to combine them one rectangle disappears completely.

But when I move one of the arm of X (about 90pt) the filter works.

I believe this is not new. There’s a bug in the FDK. As a workaround, I put an extra point on the path within the intersection.

Great. Did I mention that it crashes once per 15 minutes? What happened to Glyphs? I can’t work with it.

Can you send the crash reports. This would really help.

I send it on a regular basis. I can include my email so you could know what is all about.

The email address and some info would be great. And if you have so many crashes, there might be something going on with your file.

Maybe. It has been already fixed by You, when I had an issue with Font Info window.