Same shape for all 25,000 characters

I have a peculiar request. I need to generate a font that has the exact same shape for every and all potential glyph in a font. There’s gotta be a efficient way to get the same shape in every unicode character right?

Write a script that places the same component in every glyph in Adobe Blank. Should be a simple for loop.

Thanks for your answer DTF. Can I hire you [or anyone you would suggest] to do that? I don’t know how to write a script to accomplish this.

If all you need is rectangles, you can take Paths > Fill Up With Rectangles from my GitHub repository:

Ken Lunde has explain how he build adobe Blank on his block. He did some tricks with the cmap to reduce the file size.

This is beyond my comprehension on how to create this. Is there anyone who I could hire to help me do this?

Please contact me at res (at) this website without www. Perhaps send me a sample of what you want to do.

Email sent. Thanks mekkablue.