Save & Font Info window problems on 10.7

I have used Glyphs (Version 1.3.7 (340)) without any issues on OSX 10.6.* But under 10.7.4 the ‘Font Info’ window closes each time i attempt to input into a text field. The error message that pops up when the Font Info closes is “The operation could not be completed. No other information is available about the problem.” I also get this same error message if i try to save the font (cmd-s). This occurs with every font i try, so it can’t be font corruption. If i start a new font in Glyphs, i am able to use the Font Info ok, and save the font.
Python version is 2.7.3
Not seen this reported before, but it cripples Glyphs for me on OSX Lion :frowning:

The current version is 1.3.11. If you are on Lion, I recommend you update to the latest version. You can do so via the app preferences.

He seems to be using the App Store version.
Can you enable Preferences > Expert > Restore pre-Lion saving behavior?

Yes - enabled ‘restore pre-lion saving behaviour’ but still find no way to update. What next?

ok so i enabled ‘restore pre-lion saving behaviour’ && also re-installed from app store, and the issue has disappeared :slight_smile:
But is the ‘app store’ Glyphs a few versions behind a non-app store version? If so how can i move to the non-app store version?

The AppStore version is a few weeks behind because of Apple’s lengthy verification process.

I had this problem too, and discovered that the file was probably “locked” in some Mountain-Lion-specific way that Glyphs doesn’t yet recognize. You can work around it by hitting “Duplicate” (“Save as”) and saving a copy. The copy can then have its font info edited.