Show all glyphs in kerning

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For arabic show all glyphs need a space between each pair otherwise they connect together.

It is probably more complex. If you have kerning between an .init and a .fina shapes, you need spaces. But for .medi shapes, you need another connecting shape.
I’ll have a look.

between each pair need a space to show exact glyphs. not complex for you :grinning:
not matter kerning between .init .medi .fina
2 glyph then space then next pair and so

I fixed it. Thanks.


thanks but now it crachs: this happend when empty group remain in kerning panel and hit show all glyphs, it always crachs

is it possible to show that each kerning used by how many pairs? like a counter?

You mean when there is a groups that is not used anywhere? Could you send me a file?

You mean that the groups in the kerning list show how many glyphs it contains. That would cost a lot performance.

I sent the file.

When I hit show all glyphs glyphs shows all pairs, counting this pair is a good data