I want to turn on the View → Show Group Members from script, as a step in the prepare to kerning actions. Keyboard shortcut is not what I’m looking for.
I started thinking about something like:
name = 'Show Group Members'
submenu = Glyphs.menu[VIEW_MENU].submenu()
index = submenu.indexOfItemWithTitle_(name)
entry = submenu.itemArray()[index]
state = entry.state()
action = entry.action()
target = entry.target()
I’m not a developer. I can write something simple on Python and Glyphs objects and methods using the tutorials, but this looks too complicated for me now If there is no way to do it with an internal script, no problem.
BTW, I tried the 3.2 cutted edge version but there is that annoing problem (when I open the project file, also the “Start Window” and “Font Info” windows open too) so I rolled back to stable version, but that’s another story.