Show/hide outlines

I am wondering if there a simple way to hide the outlines in the glyphs view? (The same way you can show/hide nodes). Thanks!

Not via the UI, but easy with a reporter plugin, if you implement the needsExtraMainOutlineDrawingForActiveLayer_ method and return false from it.

You could make a very simple reporter that does only that when activated.

Oh, and when you write “glyphs view”, you mean the Font View, where all glyphs are shown, or the Edit View where one edits the glyphs or does spacing, etc.? If you mean the Font View, then ignore my first sentence. I have too peek into the Font View API, as there has been things added pretty recently in Glyphs.

Why would you like to do that?

I mean indeed the Edit View.
Is there a solution without the reporter plugin?

It would help to know what you are trying to do.

I have a simple script which is registering for a drawing callback.
Ideally I would like to add it there.

Is it possible to apply 0% opacity on all stroke colours without touching preferences/appearance?

not with a stable API.

OK, this reporter plugin works indeed fine. Thanks for the hint.

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from GlyphsApp.plugins import *

class hideoutline(ReporterPlugin):
	def settings(self):
		# The name as it will appear in the View menu
		self.menuName = 'Hide Outlines'

	def needsExtraMainOutlineDrawingForActiveLayer_(self, layer):
		return False


:sparkles: This might be the smallest and shortest plugin ever :sparkles: