Show node coordinates while editing

Welcome @s.vd.z

We updated most plugins to be compatible with python 3. This one is not in the plugin manager and so we missed it. You known that you can show the coordinate very quickly by holding down the Command+Option+Control key? That might be less obtrusive.

Hi. Thanks, good to be here.
This one is in the Plugin Manager ā€¦ thatā€™s how I downloaded it, originally ā€” not from the Github. Then, since it didnā€™t show up in the View, I found this Forum and downloaded and double-clicked from the Git.
All three of those Plugins are in the Plugin Manager, but none seem to appear.
I did read the Command+Option+Control shortcut, which is helpful; however, itā€™s still an extra hand gesture.
I donā€™t exactly draw by numbers, but I do find the numbers incredibly helpful.
Will these plugins be updated in the future?

I fixed the plugin. I send a pull request but you can get it from my fork, too.

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Hey, great. Thanks. When I open Glyphs, I still get the ā€œA plugin caused a crashā€ dialog ā€¦ how can I delete the plugin entirely and reload?
Your fork is from the original link above, yeah? I tried downloading it, I have the same issue still.


Delete it from the Plugins folder. Quickest way to get there is via Script > Open Scripts Folder.

In the repository, you would have to dig to the pull request and navigate from there to the originating fork.

I see.
Helpful, for me, for consistency and comparison ā€” and as few steps as possible to make that happen, the better. The ability to turn it on and off, simply seems more versatile/helpful. Again, for me ā€¦ so Iā€™m just trying to see if thatā€™s possible.
Deleted from there, and that solved the problem of the error prompt upon opening. Thank you.
Alright, sounds like thatā€™s more complicated than Iā€™d prefer.
Anyway, if it doesnā€™t work with the application, why is it showing in the Plugin Manager window? I guess thatā€™s a key question ā€¦

@GeorgSeifert Iā€™ve now installed your forked file. Thank you. This works for now.
Question: If thereā€™s an update directly from the source, how will I know of this? Will Glyphs automatically inform me, or I need to check for updates manually?
Thanks a lot ā€” appreciate the fix, quickly.

the ShowAllCoordinates plugin is not in the plugin manager (there is a similar one). If you instal it manually, you need to update it manually, too.

Third-party software, like any software, can have bugs or become out of date. We sometimes kick out plug-ins, but in this case, it is probably better to ask @SimonC for a maintenance update of the plug-in.

ShowAllCoordinates is not mine; try Jens.

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@GeorgSeifert Iā€™m talking about/using the Show Coordinates plugin (shown in the Plugin Manager), not Show All Coordinates.
@mekkablue Sure, fair enough.

Anyway, thanks ā€¦

But your error message was from the one from Jens.

Thatā€™s true ā€¦ I am not using that anymore ā€” that one has been deleted. Iā€™m using the files from your fork, which seems to be the one in the Plugin Manager, too. (At least as per the name)
The ShowAllCoordinates is what I found at the beginning of this thread. Following our discussion, your fork worked. The other two that mekkablue did also now work (Show Selected Node Coordinates and Crosshair).
All seems to be working for me now ā€¦