Showing results of Smart Filters added with command

Hi forum, I use smart filters a lot, and I would like to know if this is possible (without creating an additional smart filter). For a basic example: I use to group different categories by color. Is there a way that the result on the «filtered font screen» show at the same time all the smart filter selected with command?


I don’t really understand. Can you explain a bit more in detail?

Are you asking whether it’s possible to apply multiple filters at once, either additively or subtractively? For example, if you have a small-caps filter and a greek filter, you’d want to apply both those at once to show (a) all glyphs that are either small-caps or Greek, or (b) all Greek small-caps.

Is that what you’re asking about?

(Obviously, small-caps and Greek aren’t useful examples of smart filters, just examples to illustrate the principle.)

Thanks to both, to clarify, I’ll explain with another example:

I have two basic filters, one that shows all the glyphs labeled in green and the other that shows all the glyphs labeled in red. I want to put both filters on at the same time (with command or shift), and show the sum of the glyphs labeled in red and green.

That is not possible by selecting two filters: this will always result in a “AND” filter, meaning you only see glyphs that fit with both.
You can build another filter that combines the condition with “OR”:

See the “Any” in the first popup.

If you only have one row, hold down the Option key and press the Plus button to add a compound row.

Ah, I see, but never mind, it was an assumption that something like this could be implemented. Still, it’s a very useful tip to know about “Any”. Thanks as always, Georg!

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