Smart filter matching a set of characters + alternate stylistic sets

I have created a list filter that matches the following characters in this set:

However if I want to include any stylistic variations on characters, I need to enter them manually into the list. Is there a smart filter I can create that matches these characters, plus any stylistic sets on top?

I’ve tried writing a regex that matches the character set, but it’s too long to be pasted into the “Glyphs name + matches” text field:


If I can get the regex to work, then I can add another rule on top to match the stylistic sets. Thanks for any assistance!

I don’t have a good solution for this. Maybe a script that generates a list filter?

You can use the following as a Smart Filter with “Glyph name → matches”


It matches any glyph name from your list and any other glyph name that starts with an entry from the list and then continues with dot-something (.###).

You can build a pattern like the one above yourself, too. All you need is a whitespace-separated list of glyph names to start with. A list filter will work, or you can select glyphs in Font View and then choose Copy Glyph NamesSpace Separated from the context menu.

Then, go to and choose Word List from the tools:

Paste the glyph names into the Word List text field:

Click Generate Pattern below the list. You can now copy the resulting pattern. All you need to change is replace the dollar sign ($) at the end with (\..)? Now you have a pattern that matches “anything from the word list or anything from the word list followed by dot and something else”.

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Thank you both & to @FlorianPircher for that amazing regex - it worked great! I also grabbed the other rule you wrote a while back for stylistic sets & applied that too, and it’s all working well.