Smiley glyphs - what names should they have?

Iโ€™m working on a typeface that includes glyphs for these smileys

Problem is I canโ€™t figure out what glyphname they should have or how I can apply it. All the other glyphs Iโ€™ve created have been given a correct name automatically. Could anyone help me out?

The easiest would be to use the ligature notation.
:slight_smile: = colon_parenright
:wink: = semicolon_parenright

Or you check the emoji unicode section
this could be:
:slight_smile: = grinningFace (uni1F600)
:wink: = winkingFace (uni1F609)

The free UnicodeChecker app is of great help for this kind of research.

There are also some 2-byte values:

:frowning: white frowning face uni2639
:slight_smile: white smiling face uni263A
:slight_smile: black smiling face uni263B

See also

Thanks guys!