Snapping not working v3236

I’ve just updated from 3187 to 3236. In both versions, snapping to nodes/guidelines isn’t working when dragging, e.g moving a guideline to a node used to snap within a certain distance. Is there a preference I’ve inadvertently switched off?

Two possibilities:

  1. There indeed is a way to turn of snapping per font. You can control it via the Macro Window (Font.snapToObjects=True) or the plug-in ‘Snapper’ (in Plugin Manager).
  2. Is it snapping but missing the line by just a few units? When you hold down the Option key while dragging (for duplicating), 1% movement is added as long as you are holding down the key. This is an unfortunate hack to circumvent a duplication issue with individual segments IIRC. Workaround until there is a better solution: release the Option key while you are still dragging. It just needs to be pressed at the beginning.

Thank you, it wasn’t snapping at all, the snapToObjects seems to work :slight_smile:

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