Sometimes tabs get lost when closing glyphs

… and sometimes not.
Can somebody please tell me why?

THX Georg

In MacOSX 10.6, the tabs are only stored in the file. So if you open tabs after your last save, they are not saved.

In later versions of MacOSX they should be preserved. If not, can you be more specific about your workflow.

only on the new Imac & new system: OSX 10.8.3
Sorry no, saving before closing does not change the behavior.

right now Glyphs crashed. After restart all tabs were still in place :wink: Maybe this helps

One possible way to reproduce:

  1. Have some glyph edit tabs open.
  2. Save the file (Command-S).
  3. Go to the Font View to close the window. (Command-W or pressing window’s red x button in the upper left).
  4. Verify that DisplayStrings is set in the file.
  5. Re-open the file either via File > Open Recent or File > Open… (Command-O).
  6. The tabs will be gone.

This seems to happen on OS X 10.8.2 with Glyphs 1.3.19b14a (483).

This is strange. I can’t reproduce this.

When I activate “Restore pre-Lion saving behavior” eveything is fine, tabs are still in place

deactivate and tabs are gone


I did what buerofliegenpilz did and now it works

This was a very good find. Now I could fix it. Thanks