Sort/export order

According to section 6.5.7 Custom Parameter ‘glyphOrder’, the sort order in font view and export order in the final fonts should respect the glyphOrder parameter. This doesn’t work in version 2.3.1 (911).

The order in my glyphOrder parameter is

.notdef NULL CR space nbspace enspace …

The order in font view is

A Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave …

The order in the final font is

.notdef A Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis …

What happens if you select one glyph (like ‘A’) and run Update Glyph Info?

What happens if you select one glyph (like ‘A’) and run Update Glyph Info?


Hmm. I cannot reproduce this. Can you try again with a cleaned-out Temp folder?

The Temp folder was cleaned out from the start. These are the only files.

Can you send me the file?

See PM.

I did expect it to be that.

The glyphOrder parameter needs one glyph name per line. Yours is one space separated line.
