SpaceBar plugin for Mac M1/M2

Hi all and @yanone

I tried installing SpaceBar for Glyphs3 on a M2 Mac and it doesn’t seem to work.
Has the plug in been compiled to run on the new processors?
Any help with this would be greatly aprecciated!

It works fine for me on my M1.

Thanks Georg!
Let me look into it. It may be a problem with my specific mac/ OS.

So,this is the message I get:

I’m cloning the repo from:

And installing here:
/Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Repositories


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager (WindowPlugin Manager), that should solve this for you.

If you want to install the plugin manually, ensure you are using the glyphs3 branch and not the master branch.

You should use the Plugin Manager to install plugins.

When installing manually, you need to make sure to use the right branch. There is one for Glyphs 3.


We’re not using the Plugin Manager to install plugins because we were advised by Georg not to.

As there is no way for admins to deploy the plugins system wide, nor is there a way to call the plugin manager via command line, Georg advised us to git clone / git pull into the /Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Repositories folder, and creating symlinks in /Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Plugins.

We also noticed that when doing this, the plugin manager does not detect that the plugins or modules are installed, leading the user to believe that they should install it. If the plugins have dependencies, they then get prompted to install the modules (which we also deploy system wide). Glyphs doesn’t handle any of this with grace unfortunately, causing plugin duplication in the UI, a mish mash of using the wrong versions modules amongst other things. So we restricted write permissions to the ~/Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Plugins and Repositories folder.

We’ve automated and scripted the git clone/git pull commands accordingly so that staff all have the same set of (updated) plugins, however Spacebar and Supertools have caused us trouble with this (Supertools we’ve just dumped into the folder manually, but we’ll have to keep on top of updates ourselves).

Ideally either the plugin manager would also detect plugins in the System folder, and/or have a way to interact with separately via command line in order for us to script installation into the User space. Some way to also check whether the ‘system python’ has modules such as fonttools or vanilla would also help.

Thanks for the feedback. We’ll have a look.

So in this case, you need to make sure to switch to the right branch.

Thanks! All!

Thanks, we missed the separate/non-default branch. For the moment we’ll continue that method.