I’ve been trying to find any information about settings for variable font. I usually use slnt axis for my fonts, but there is an issue with Microsoft Word.
1: I found the instance name in MS Word is not using the name set in Glyphs Font Info.
2: Is it real to keep ital for Microsoft if I use slnt axis? It’s very important, because I don’t see any other way.
After exporting VF I use mekkablue script Read and Write STAT Axis. Here are some screenshots after I used it and what’s goin on after installation in MW.
I also use Italic Style Linking but it won’t helps.
If you use the slnt axis, then upright is expected to be 0.0 and italic the negative slant angle, so probably -12.0 in your case. A positive number means backslant.
If you use the ital axis instead, then use 0.0 and 1.0 as values.
Don’t use both.
Your axis values settings are strange. Why do you call your upright “DemiBold”? Better Roman or Regular. And you don’t have style linking, neither on your slnt nor on your ital axis.
My suggestion:
Rename your slant axis to Italic (ital). And set the values to 0 and 1. Delete the axis values parameter for slnt. And make the ital axis values parameter 0>1=Regular*, 1=Italic. Then export an VF and run the Read and Write script.
Not quite, look again: Just the Regular is double, all other weight/italic combinations are there only once. That is a known bug in Word. I reported it a while ago. It’s because the STAT table has two regular entries, once for the regular spot on the weight axis, and once for the style linking. Which is what it is supposed to be according to specification.
There’s nothing you can do about it. The bug needs to be fixed by Microsoft.