Sticky Font Info window

After updating to Version 2.4.2 (1059); {Working on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 } I noticed naughty thing which the window of Font-Info keeps stuck in front of all windows;
Usually by clicking the underneath window it should swap to the back … however I can only get rid of it by clicking on the closing red button …
This is not happening with my previous MBP which has MacOS 10.9.5 !
Wondering if it is related to the system or Glyphs app !

There is something wrong with your system. I never have seen this.

I’ll upload a video

Is there a dialog open maybe?

It has been resolved; I do not know though if either of the following operations was a resolution:

  1. zapped the Ram as explained in the following link

  2. I also stopped the setting {Allow handoff between this mac and icloud devices}