Suffixes palette plugin unable to install

I am unable to install this plugin. I deleted what was there from the repository folder from the previous installation. Does anyone know what to do?

Did you also delete the alias for it from the Plugins folder?

Yes I did that too.

there is empty folder name as suffixes … in repository folder. Did you also delete that?

Yes, there is absolutely nothing with the same name anymore.

The suffixes plugin is in a folder “freemix-glyphsapp”.

Yes, I deleted the plugin and all files of that name. Yet it still reports this installation problem.

It seems the plugin manager generally assumes that each plugin has its own Github repository. This is not the case for my (free) plugins. Maybe this is the underlying reason for the failed installation? As far as I am aware, the Freemix scripts should get installed in their folder but the plug-ins, although they are in subfolders in the repo, should automatically be installed in the /Plugins folder. Unless I am confused.

It does not assume that anymore. packages.plist differentiates between repo and path. I’ll have a look.

Update: The entries in packages.plist are all correct, and check out. Just installed the Suffixes palette through the Plugin Manager, and everything worked as expected. :man_shrugging: